Archived Designs for Trophy and Logo
Note: All of these designs are (at the present time) ideas
and jumping off points.
Following are designs that have been suggested for the Sir
Julius Vogel Awards and a logo for SFFANZ.
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Latest Trophy Design
Latest Logo design
Sir Julius Vogel Awards.
James Dignan
Trophy-JD1 |
Trophy-JD2 |
Kelly Buchanan (modified from a design by James Dignan)
Trophy-KB1 |
Trophy-KB2 |
Peter Friend
  Trophy-PF1 |
Hmm, the letters S, J and V (as in
Sir Julius Vogel) don't lend themselves awfully well to a logo or
design, as they don't want to fit into each other nicely and are
rather different shapes. And just a J by itself seems a bit
So, I thought, why not a logo which itself
forms the trophy? After some fiddling with graph paper and
tape and I came up with the attached hexagonal thingy, which looks
like a S, J or V depending on which angle you look at it from.
Now obviously this isn't the finished design, just a rough draft.
I'd see the actual trophy being in silver (silver spray painted
resin, that is), and looking like it was engraved with various
scientific and magical symbols, with a Leonardo Da Vinci sort of
look, as though it was a mysterious piece of Rennaissance
technology. And it would be on a base, where the winners details etc
would be attached on a wee plaque.
Any comments on the general design? If there's some enthusiasm,
I'll try a somewhat more detailed design (woohoo! - where's the tin
foil and the modelling clay?) |
Norman Cates - Peter Friend
To the right is a modification of the below line design, based on
comments from various people on the list. It's a combination of the
comments from the list. It keeps the circular motifs in line, and
harks back to the original design as well... |
Below are detailed renderings of the latest design for the trophy. |
Below are the designs that would be used to etch the trophy. |
And thanks to Creative New Zealand, Te Papa and Te
Maori for their input on this design. |
Above are renderings of a modification of the trophy
design. to the right are the panels which were used to create the
etching. |
 Trophy-NCPF1 |
This design is a rendering of designs drawn by Peter,
on a trophy shape by Norman.
Most people so far seem to like it. Except the general concensus
seems to be to remove the letters from the etching.
This would be produced by etching the design into copper sheets,
then joining them together and molding them in silicone in
order to cast multiple trophies. |
This is one of Peters designs for the etching. This is the one
used on the rendered trophy above. |
This was an alternative design by Peter. |
SFFANZ Logo Designs