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Sir Julius Vogel Award Results- 2004

Following are the nominations and results for the Sir Julius Vogel Awards for 2004. The nominees are for the 2003 calendar year.

Download nominations (110kb PDF)

Indicates the winner for the category in 2004:

Professional Award Nominees and Results

Best Novel 

“Dark Shinto” - Spirit Shinto Trilogy Book III
Author: DaleElvy 
Published: by Harper Collins - March 2003
- Available from all good booksellers

“Roivan” - Book One of the A'nzarian Chronicle'
Author: Glynne MacLean
Published by Penguin (New Zealand) - August 2003
ISBN: 014331811X
-Available from all good booksellers

Best Short Story

“Butterfly” - by Kevin G Maclean
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #8

“A Plea for Help” - by Kevin G Maclean
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #6

“The Alchemist” - by Peter Friend
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #8

Fan Award Nominees

Best Fanzine

Phoenixine Editor: Laurie Fleming
Time Space Visualiser Editor: Paul Scoones

The Unbound Book Issue 1
(RPG Cthulhu 1920s publication)


Special Award Nominees

New Talent

Glynne Maclean For “Roivan” - Book One of the A'nzarian Chronicle'

Services to Fandom

Laurie Fleming The retiring editor of Phoenixine, for producing more than 100 issues of a first class magazine. He has defined the standard to which all fan journals should aspire.
Phoenix Science Fiction Society The group is an umbrella organisation for bringing fans together and encouraging and actively promoting science fiction as an interest. Phoenix has done a remarkable job over the years and its contribution to keeping science fiction alive and well in New Zealand deserves to be acknowledged.

Special Award

Peter Jackson et al The board of SFFANZ has decided that we should present a Special Award to Peter Jackson as the primary representative of his colleagues for the amazing achievement of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Photo by Grant Preston
At the presentation ceremony: (L to R) Brian Howell (presenter), Kevin Maclean (Short Story winner), Maree Sole (presenter), Laurie Fleming (Fanzine and Services to Fandom winner), Norman Cates (presenter)

Categories to hold over

There were a number of categories which only had one nominee. The board of SFFANZ has decided to hold these over until next year if the nominees wish.

Best Fan Art - Peter Adamson - (TSV)

Best Fan Production - Short film 'Door to Door' - By Peter Friend

Best Fan Writing - Alan Robson

SFFANZ is a non-profit organisation and registered charity
designed to bring together fans of the fantastic in New Zealand

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